Oregon Disaster Medical Team logo

Operating Procedures


ODMT makes use of Google Groups as a way of communicating with members. New members will be given access to a private email distribution list.

ODMT members are required to join Oregon's State Emergency Registry of Volunteers in Oregon (serv-or.org)
The registry is sponsored by the Oregon Public Health Division in partnership with the Medical Reserve Corps. It utilizes a secure database to register, credential, and alert volunteer health providers.


Dr. Lawrence Hipshman (our mental health specialist) recommends this document: Evidence-Based Early Psychological Intervention for Victims/Survivors of Mass Violence*

Dr. Jon Jui has put together an excellent PowerPoint training presentation on setting up a Western Shelter tent (pdf version)*

Please print and return the immunization information* if you haven't already done so.

If you have elected to receive a smallpox vaccination you need to fill out this smallpox information* for team members. Please return to Helen Miller.

(*Adobe PDF format - requires free Acrobat Reader)