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Operation Red Rose 2002

On May 7, 2002, thirty-four ODMT members participated in the Operation Red Rose exercise in Portland, Oregon. The drill tested local, state, and federal response to a weapons of mass destruction incident. ODMT was tasked with patient triage, treatment, and transport to military aircraft. The team worked out of a hanger at the Air National Guard base at the Portland Airport.

Here are some photos of the drill. Click on an image to see a larger version, then use your browser's back button to return to this page.

hangar 40 patients were transferred to a 939th Rescue Wing hangar for triage, treatment, and transport preparation.
triage Patients were processed at triage, then moved to green, yellow, and red treatment areas.
Cathy Cathy treating a patient.
Colin Colin treating a patient.
hangar treatment area Overhead view of the hangar treatment area.
Jamie, Colin, and Jeff Jamie, Colin, and Jeff attend a patient.
hangar door When the transport aircraft were ready, patients were moved through the hangar door, and out to awaiting Air Force evacuation aircraft.
DC-9 Here is a military med-evac DC-9 that flew up from California. ODMT members also worked with C-130 and Pavehawk (helicopter) aircraft.
inside DC-9 Inside the DC-9 aircraft.